Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's been a while!

It's so hard to keep up with things! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I just realized I have a couple things to share when it comes to the subject of our little angel...

First off, I'll share something very special that happened on Mother's Day this year - a sweet little Mother's Day gift to me, and a little reminder that I am a mom of 3 boys, not just the 2 that are here with me. My family & I went to spend the day at my mom & dad's house. All the kids were outside playing shortly after we got there, and suddenly we looked over and saw a balloon floating up to the clouds, and then a little girl from the neighbor's house ran over and was really upset because she had let go of it only moments before. Miles, being the social little guy he is, went up to her and started explaining to her where that balloon was going. In his sweet little words, "It's okay, Shane's up there." He proceeded to explain to her that Shane would take her balloon and have a great time playing with it in heaven. My dad was outside and witnessed this with me, and we both had the same thought at the same time - thank God my mom didn't see or hear that as it was happening, or she would have busted out in tears! (As she probably is right now, reading this....) So thank you Shane, for that Mother's Day gift.

Then, just a few weeks later, we got a wedding invitation in the mail. Mike had opened it earlier in the day, and I came home later to find it on the counter. As I was going through the contents, I didn't notice at first, but then I realized and I had to do a double take - this extremely awesome couple had listed our names on the inner envelope - Mike, Carrie, Miles, Shane, and Owen. They will never know how much that touched my heart - it absolutely made my day. Sometimes you go on with your life thinking people forgot, you think you're the only one who knows what it's like to have that big hole in your heart that will never be filled up again, that you will carry with you until the day you die. It's those sweet little reminders that give you a little bit of peace. So thank you for that....

I also wanted to give an update on my previous post...Shane's Gang was very successful once again! We walked in Bolingbrook this year, and we raised about $2600 in memory of our little man. We had about 27 people walking (including kids) with our team this year, which is more than ever. The greatest surprise of the day was Shane's Gang being announced on the loud speakers at the end of the walk as the Top New Family Team for the Bolingbrook Walksite! We went up on stage and accepted our plaque, and we were quite honored! Thank you so much to everyone who walked or donated. It means so much to us that every year we continue to be so successful in doing this walk in our son's memory. We can't wait to do it again next year - we're moving the walk back downtown this year - hope you'll all come with us!

Thanks for reading...sorry it's been so long! Keep thinking of our little angel....


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