Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An excerpt from the letter I wrote to Shane just weeks after he died...

"I have so much to thank you for. Thank you for showing me the only thing that is truly important in life - to give love and to be loved. Thank you for showing me how to love Miles and your daddy, and all of our friends and family with my whole self. Thank you for giving me a new pair of eyes so that I can see your big brother Miles for what he really is; not just as a great kid and the love of my life, but as a truly precious gift. Each day I have with him and your daddy on this earth is a true blessing and a miracle. Thank you for bringing me even closer to your daddy. You have blessed our marriage and made it so much stronger than ever before. Thank you for teaching me not to take anything for granted. And although it is a hard lesson to learn, and I am still learning it, I thank you for teaching me that there are no guarantees in this life. Having this kind of enlightenment makes me truly appreciate each and every (even the littlest) day to day pleasures. To think that you are so little and so innocent and that you didn't even get a chance to live one second of time on this earth, yet you taught me all of these things - this is truly amazing to me. You are my little angel, my little inspiration, my little guiding light in life and you will be all of those things forever. You are and always will be a remarkable, inspiring, and unforgettable little man. I love you so much. I can't say that enough. I love you, I love you, I love you."

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