Tuesday, October 6, 2009

NILMDTS Slideshow from Shane's Birth

This is a slideshow of pictures that were taken after Shane's birth. They were taken by a photographer, Sue O'Malley, from Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. Please see the link at the right of my blog to learn more about this wonderful organization. They provide beautiful experienced photography services free of charge to families who are losing their babies. Sue not only took these pictures for us, she then personally dropped off a package at our doorstep just a few days after Shane was born. It contained 2 CD's of all of the pictures she took, 1 in color and 1 in black & white, 1 DVD slideshow with music we had picked, a framed picture of both Mike and I holding Shane, and some other little gifts. Little did I know, Sue was also a doula! She not only took over the role of our birth photographer, but also took charge of my care before I delivered Shane, and helped me through the toughest part of it all. I was in labor for 28 hours with him. Thank God for SUE!! Enjoy the slideshow.

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